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How to Customize the File Open/Save Dialog Box in Windows

Generally, there are two type of Open/Save dialog boxes in Windows. One kind appears like Windows Explorer, with the tree on the left containing Favorites, Libraries, Computer, etc. The other kind contains an upright toolbar, called the Places Bar.

The Windows Explorer-style Open/Save dialog box can be customized by adding your own folders to the Favorites checklist. You can, after that, click the arrows to the left of the main items, other than the Favorites, to collapse them, leaving just the checklist of default and custom-made Favorites.

The Places Bar is located along the left side of the File Open/Save dialog box and also contains buttons providing accessibility to frequently-used folders. The default switches on the Places Bar are web links to Recent Places, Desktop, Libraries, Computer, and also Network. Nonetheless, you change these web links to be web links to custom folders of your option.

We will show you just how to tailor the Places Bar using the computer registry and utilizing a complimentary device in situation you are not comfy making changes in the registry.

Using the Registry

To open up the Registry Editor, open the Start menu and also go into “regedit.exe” in the Search box. Click the regedit.exe link in the results or press Enter.

If the User Account Control dialog box screens, click Yes to continue.

KEEP IN MIND: You might not see this dialog box, relying on your User Account Control settings.

Navigate to the adhering to secret:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER Software Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Policies comdlg32 Placesbar

The comdlg32 and also Placesbar keys may not exist. If not, you require to create them. For instance, to create the comdlg32 secret, right-click the Policies essential and also select New|Key.

A new trick is produced and the message is highlighted. Relabel the new trick “comdlg32.”

Include Placesbar as a brand-new key under the comdlg32 secret.

Select the Placesbar trick as well as right-click in the best pane. Select New|String Value from the popup menu.

Rename the brand-new value Place0. You can create up to 5 entrances: Place0, Place1, Place2, Place3, Place4. You do not have to define all 5 places, yet they need to be specified in mathematical order.

To define the target folder for a PlaceX worth, double-click on the worth name.

In the Value information edit box on the Edit String dialog box, get in the complete path for the place you want to add to the Places Bar as well as click OK.

You can likewise specify a target folder utilizing a mathematical worth for system folders. There is a table listed below noting the mathematical worths for the different system folders. To define a target folder using a numerical worth, produce a brand-new DWORD (32-bit) Value the same way you produced the String Value.

Double-click on the brand-new DWORD value.

Go into a mathematical value in the Value information modify box. Utilize the values from the table listed below the image.

The complying with “DWORD” values can be utilized to add common folders to the Places Bar.

Select Exit from the File food selection to shut the Registry Editor.

The Places Bar on the Save dialog box presents the personalized folders and also selected system folders.

Utilizing PlacesBar Editor

For those of you who don’t really feel comfy making changes to the computer system registry or who just want a much easier means to customize the Places Bar, there is a totally free device readily available called PlacesBar Editor. Download the tool utilizing the link at the end of this article as well as follow the directions to install it. If the User Account Control dialog box screens throughout setup, click Yes to continue.

KEEP IN MIND: You might not see the User Account Control dialog box, depending upon your User Account Control setups.

Utilize the faster way developed on the desktop to run PlacesBar Editor. You may see the User Account Control dialog box once more.

The first time you run PlacesBar Editor, the adhering to dialog box display screens, motivating you to donate. Your default web browser additionally available to a PayPal page, suggesting a contribution.

The main user interface display screens revealing a toolbar and two tabs. The Windows tab enables you to make adjustments to File Open and File Save dialog boxes consisting of the Places Bar. To specify a personalized target folder for among the locations, pick the Custom check box for that location. Click the folder switch to the right of the User Folders modify box to select a folder, or key in the complete course to a folder. To pick a system folder for an area, pick a folder from the drop-down checklist under System Folders for that place.

As stated at the beginning of this post, some programs use the Windows Explorer-like File Open and File Save dialog box. Microsoft Office programs (as well as a few other Microsoft programs, like Notepad and Paint) use this design of dialog box.

You can make use of PlacesBar Editor to tailor the Microsoft Office dialog boxes as well. Click the Office tab. For each customized folder you intend to add, enter a name for the folder in the edit box under Folder Name. Use the folder switch to select the preferred folder or go into the complete path to the preferred folder in the edit box under User Folders. You can add up to five additional personalized folders. These folders are added to the Favorites, as well as also display as Favorites in Windows Explorer.

To use adjustments for every tab, you should click Save when that tab is energetic. To apply changes for Office programs, make sure the Office tab is energetic as well as click Save. To conserve changes you made on the Windows tab, you need to click the Windows tab and also click Save once more.

A dialog box presents telling you that the changes were made effectively.

Once you apply, or conserve, your adjustments, on a tab, you can examine those adjustments by clicking the Test button.

The suitable dialog box for the currently chosen tab screens. If the Office tab is energetic, an Office program like Word or Excel opens and also the Open dialog box displays. Click Cancel on the Open dialog box to shut the dialog box and also the program.

You can change back to the default setups for both kinds of File Open and File Save dialog boxes by clicking the Defaults button. You must click the Defaults switch for each tab individually.

A Confirm dialog box display screens. Click Yes if you’re sure you want to change to the defaults.

To shut PlacesBar Editor, click Exit.

Customizing the File Open and File Save dialog boxes with customized folders can improve your efficiency, particularly if the folders you utilize frequently are a number of layers deep in your folder framework.

Download PlacesBar Editor from

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