Helpdesk Baruch College

How to Use, Customize, or Disable AutoComplete in LibreOffice Writer

LibreOffice Writer packages in a complimentary auto-complete system, similar to the one you’re most likely acquainted with on your mobile phone’s keyboard. However LibreOffice’s is a lot more powerful, and a lot more customizable– you can more or less tell it exactly which words you wish to auto-complete, and which ones you do not.

How to Enable and Disable the AutoComplete Feature

By default, the AutoComplete feature is currently enabled. You can see it by typing any medium-to-long word more than once. A small word will appear above your cursor as you’re typing: whenever you see a word in this way, you can push the Enter essential and end up the remainder of the word instantly.

To turn this off, click the Tools menu, then hover your cursor over AutoComplete, then click “AutoComplete Options.”

In this window, click the “Word Completion” tab on the far best. The very first option here is “Enable word completion.” If it’s on and you desire it off, get rid of the check mark. If it’s off and you desire it on, click the check mark in place. Click “OK” to go back to your document.

Adding And Removing Words to the AutoComplete List

LibreOffice watches what you write, and any word that’s eight letters or longer gets contributed to the Word Completion list for that file. When you type the word once again, it’ll provide you the option to autocomplete it.

We can change some of the settings for this. Open the AutoCorrect menu to the Word Completion tab again. Note that in the right of the screen is a list of all the words currently enabled for the AutoComplete function.

You can click any word in the list, then click “Delete Entry” to permanently get rid of the option to immediately complete it.

There’s no way to manually include a word here, but you can do that by leaving the default settings enabled and simply typing a word longer than the minimum letter length.

Advanced Settings

The other alternatives on this menu permit you to do some much deeper modification. Here are the ones you’ll wish to take notice of– allow or disable them as you like.

Click “OK” to use your modifications, or “Reset” to change them back to the LibreOffice default.

Some users discover this function helpful, some discover it disruptive. Whichever camp you fall under, now you can customize AutoComplete however you like.

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