Helpdesk Baruch College

Journal #2 (March 23, 2021)

As of now, we are currently working on our second writing assignment in the class, called the “Memo”. This time instead of working alone, we are all paired up in a group. So far we have finished submitting our first draft. I like working with my group and they are very fast and efficient when it comes to conducting their work. Their inputs on the writing assignment are also a big help in creating this paper to what we want it to be, as well as have it meet the requirements the professor wants. I’ll be honest and say that I was a bit nervous and apprehensive at first with the whole premise of a group project/paper. I was nervous mainly because of me wondering if communication between me and my group members would go smoothly. I’m the type of person who prefers working alone, and gets nervous when working with others whom I just met/don’t know. I’ve also heard the horror stories of college group projects, the typical story of one group member not doing their work and leaving things to the last minute. With all these thoughts, I was worried. But all those worries proved to be anything but reality. My group members are all kind and caring individuals who take their work seriously. In the instance that one of us can’t work for the day, we all reschedule in order to be able to have a time that works for all of us. We found that being online at the same time and working on the memo together worked well. This helped us exchange ideas and talk more about how the structure of the memo is supposed to be.

Working towards the final draft of the memo, I feel confident with the work me and my group are doing. We only have a few things to work on, but with the way that we all work together, I am sure that the requirements for the paper are met and that we all would be satisfied with what we were able to create together. 

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