How to

How to Add a Background Color, Picture, or Texture to a Word Document

You can quickly add visual attract your Microsoft Word file by including a background color, image or texture. You can pick from a variety of colors and fill effects. Adding a colorful background image can be handy when creating a sales brochure, discussion, or marketing materials.

How to Add a Background Color

To include a background color to your file, switch to the “Design” tab on Word’s Ribbon, and then click the “Page Color” button. This opens a dropdown menu with a choice of colors, including Theme Colors and Standard Colors. Click a color to apply it to the background.

For a lot more color options, click “More Colors”.

In the Colors window that opens, click the “Custom” tab, and after that click anywhere in the color prism to select a color. You can likewise enter RGB values in their particular fields if you’re looking for a particular color. When you’re done, click the “OK” button.

For much more choices, click the “Standard” tab. Click a color from the palette, and after that click the “OK” button.

How to Add a Picture to the Document Background

To add a photo to your document background, switch to the “Design” tab on Word’s Ribbon, and then click the “Page Color” button. In the dropdown menu, click the “Fill Effects” alternative.

In the Fill Effects window, switch to the “Picture” tab, and then click the “Select Picture” button. The Insert Pictures window that opens lets you choose an image from your local drive, by means of a Bing search, or from OneDrive. After making your choice, you’ll find yourself back in the Fill Effects window, where you can click the “OKAY” button to place the image background.

How to Add Texture to the Document Background

To add a texture to your document background, switch over to the “Design” tab on Word’s Ribbon, and after that click the “Page Color” button. In the dropdown menu, click the “Fill Effects” choice.

In the Fill Effects window, switch to the “Texture” tab, pick a texture, and after that click the “OK” button.

You can also use gradients or patterns as your background by switching to either of those tabs. They work pretty much the same method as the texture tab.

If you choose a dark color for you background, think about altering your text color to white or a light color so that it blends well and stands apart. Including a background color, photo, or texture to a Word file can make your document look more attractive in addition to add a bit a flare.

To include a background color to your file, switch over to the “Design” tab on Word’s Ribbon, and then click the “Page Color” button. In the Colors window that opens, click the “Custom” tab, and then click anywhere in the color prism to choose a color. To add a photo to your file background, switch over to the “Design” tab on Word’s Ribbon, and then click the “Page Color” button. To include a texture to your document background, switch over to the “Design” tab on Word’s Ribbon, and then click the “Page Color” button. If you choose a dark color for you background, think about changing your text color to white or a light color so that it mixes well and stands out.

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